Dec 22, 2022Here comes 2023!Who will you be in 2023? Will you be glorious? If success is your desire, here are some simple gems that will aid you in your quest.
Oct 6, 2022Call Me GoddessThe goddess has never been lost. It is just that some of us have forgotten how to find her. -Patricia Monaghan
Sep 6, 2022Happily Stubborn...Knowing yourself is the most precious gift you can give yourself. Once you do, you own the greatest power there is .
Aug 12, 2022Becoming Glorious...As your concept of self is transformed life changes. How do you make peace with it all?
Aug 8, 2022Knowing what you are wanting...Something magical happens when you tell God and the universe exactly what you want. As long as it is true, noble, pure, lovely and admirable
Aug 1, 2022Who is your friend ?Do you know who your friends are? Are you a good friend? Find out now ...
Mar 17, 2021Food you enjoy and food that is good. Where is the balance?Balance is not something you find, it's something you create! How do you find balance when it comes to food?
Mar 1, 2021Life is a Battlefield!Respect life and learn to dance in the rain every day! Learn to find happiness in every day! It is ultimately a choice.
Jul 6, 2020SHARED VISIONOne tip to avoid getting into the abyss in your committed relationship. Choose to have a shared vision.