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Hello 2022 !

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

New Year , New Me! New Year Resolution Time ...

Hi Ladies, It is that time again where new year resolutions are the trend. I usually do mine on my birthday but 2021 took so many amazing turns that I have decided to join the club and set out my own resolution for 2022. I am basing my resolution on the amazingness that 2021 was.

Over the last couple of years, I have shared some of my most troubling times and lessons with you. I look on these posts with so much love and affection because in them lie the gifts and treasures of my life - my own personal wisdoms and truths. I took time out and I lived 2021 like a goddess. I loved on myself, I educated myself, I took risks, experimented with life, discovered self-mastery, made happy little mistakes, went on unplanned adventures and found a boundless joy that cannot be defined in words. I was radiant, vibrant and may I say even electric. The secret was consistently affirming and developing my affirmations.

I am now in a place where I see my life through newer and sharper lenses. I see faith, I see love clearly, I see more God, I see my power, I see my strength and I see my successes. I am filled with the knowledge that nothing is impossible! I know when I miss the mark, I am onto more greatness. I am filled with the energy that creates worlds and builds empires. Every new thought, idea and creation that I birth is a miracle. I know that as long as I continue bringing out the best in me then I will continue to fill my life with love, health, wellness, growth, success and vigour.

So my resolution for 2022 is a combination of the affirmations that I put together from my favourite books as I moved through 2021. I hope these inspire your New Year's Resolutions. You could pick some or they could be the inspiration to set your own resolutions.

Goodbye 2021; you were awesome

Hello 2022; you are already magical

So I start it with celebration and thanksgiving.

Thank you God for my perfect and permanent happiness

Thank you God for my perfect and permanent health

Thank you God for my perfect and permanent wealth

Thank you God for my perfect and permanent love

I allow all that is good to flow through me

I know that what I want, wants me too

God's ideas cannot be moved, therefore, what is mine by Divine right will always be with me.

No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.

There can be no obstacle to the mind of God, which is in me, and around me and serves me now.

Only the good, the great, the significant, and the constructive do I add unto myself.

Success and harmony, peace and confidence are mine.

I know that life is a journey that must be travelled step by step, and I am patient, enjoying the wonder of the way, with unshakeable faith in my destination.

I am 1st class now and everything is possible.

I am living my ideal now.

I am love and I am beloved.

Amen ☺️

Happy New Year. Happy 2022 Ladies.

In Love Always xxx

References: Three Magic Words

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