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Life is a Battlefield!

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain... Vivian Greene

In lock down again! Wondering about the direction of my career ! Questioning the future! Still trying to get fit! Still dealing with my fibroids! Wondering what to do with my finances! Still trying to figure out my music! Single again! The list goes on, but I still look to find joy and peace amidst all these situations. Last week, a friend asked me how I find happiness during the many challenges and struggles of my life ... I shared my thoughts with her and considering she thought it was an interesting perspective, I thought to share it with you too.

The reality is that life is a battlefield! There will always be times that favour me and times that do not favour me. There are times when I will be at my most optimum and there are times that I will hit rock bottom. I have accepted this. I no longer resist or fight life! Instead, I respect and honour life. It takes a lot of work and practice to do this, but the key is asking myself who I will be in every situation I encounter. I believe that "Who I am is a choice". I can choose how I respond to life. Instead of saying life is being the worst to me, I choose to learn how to deal with every situation life presents to me. I ask myself the following questions in every situation:

What is possible for me from this situation?

Who will I become through this situation?

What will I let go and what will I achieve?

What do I need to learn to move forward?

How will I get through this situation? What are my options? What is my plan?

Ultimately will I spend today aiming for peace or will I spend it destroying my peace?

Will I find joy in today or will I choose to ruin it?

I then reflect, research, speak to others and create options and paths that I can use to walk through the various situations that life presents. In the best of times or the worst of times, I know I have some say in my destiny because I can choose the best ways for me to tackle the situations I face - I take responsibility. Taking responsibility for all areas of my life fills my soul with a level of peace and serenity. I am in the driving seat ...Life happens regardless of me, but my life happens because of me. Taking responsibility by choosing who I am in relation to life is a challenge; but a challenge I am getting better at day by day. A challenge that is building my character and leading me to more wisdom, happiness, and life mastery.

Growing up, I always wondered how Nelson Mandela remained focused on peace despite his suffering. His story was a lesson in patience, love and tolerance. Along with enjoying the good that life brings we should be willing to find joy in the times of struggle. In these times we should also remember that every situation has a silver lining. We become refined like diamonds when we survive life. We learn to walk with joy through hell. We become stronger and wiser as we move through the challenges on the battlefield. Every situation is an opportunity to let life happen through us not to us.

Respect life and learn to dance in the rain every day! Everything is a beautiful thing whilst it is happening. It brings clarity, growth and fulfilment. Learn to find beauty and happiness in every day! It is ultimately a choice.

In Love

Always xxx

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